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Alese Osborn is an oracular artist who creates visual art, written works and performs social practice art through the tradition of Tarot.

Osborn grew up in Northern California in a blended multi-cultural family and has a lifelong focus on unseen worlds and symbolic application to everyday instances.


 Using Images, folklore, pop-culture and marginalized belief systems in a variety of rituals has been the primary cornerstone of Osborn’s work. 


Alese Osborn has used the title of Tarot Reader to bring access to thousands of people to find personal empowerment in their own applications of personal mythology in daily life through social practice art.


“The divine and the mundane marry through the song of our intentions and interactions with others and our environment.

          We experiment with ease when we remember our power, we find joy in the creation of our day when we sit at the throne of our lives.”

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